Now, he knows how to enable mobile view in chrome to test the interface of his gaming website. It helps in making sure that everything is in-line, and design changes are visually appealing. When I design or make any changes on the front-end part of this blog, I usually look at the effects of changes on a desktop, tablet, and mobile screen using the above tip. We have no plans to announce at this time. Using the responsive mode, you can drag to control the various screen sizes. Chrome apps and extensions are currently not supported on Chrome for Android. You do not have to switch devices to view the site design. The mobile responsive site feature within developer tools helps in testing and developing a mobile site without using small-screen devices. If we view the mobile sites on desktop chrome, it will help you analyze the look and feel of the website better! Bottom Line: Chrome Computer Mobile Responsive Site Once you close the developer tools console, the website will reload back as a desktop site. You can also choose the make and model of the device from the dropdown menu to select the desired device experience. This will load the mobile site user interface.