i would just like to see what i can get out of my current setup then back it off some to a stable but overclocked setting. i wish it was as simple as all board overclocked the same but i know thats wishful thinking. My overclocking skills are very beginner but i do try to read and/or research before attempting anything. The guide seems to be written for use with 3rd generation processor, but will i be able to overclock using the second generation (2600k) or will there be issues because of using 2nd gen cpu and 3rd gen board ? Improper settings can permanently damage the PC. If you decide to use the Manual Tune feature, users should be knowledgeable about advanced PC hardware settings. i download the performace tuning guide pdf and have read through it. Intel Extreme Tuning Utility Dell recommends only using the AutoTune feature and that you choose the 1st option, 'Stay within the manufacturer's limits'. I had this processor (2600k) in an asus p8p67 board and overclocked with it and was able to get processor to stable 4.6ghz using a water cooling system. i have not done a lot of overclocking period and no overclocking on this board as of yet. Can i still use manual tuning within the bios.